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MOBI-MIX workshop

SOLUTIONSPlus and MOBI-MIX organised a comprehensive online workshop on the 5th & 6th of May 2022 to exchange experiences on shared e-mobility.


Over the course of two mornings, the event gathered European frontrunners in the field, including 13 cities and local authorities and several public transport and micro-mobility operators. 


The first day brought cities to the centre of the stage. Cities like Rotterdam, Hamburg, Paris, Oslo, and Madrid addressed the potential benefits and central challenges of disseminating shared e-mobility services (MaaS). These included regulations about permitting, occupancy of public space/zoning, parking policy, and enforcement - all common issues experienced by cities worldwide.  Cities currently struggle with what was once seen as an innovative and refreshing addition to their mobility ecosystem but are  now bringing a series of unwanted consequences that local authorities must address, intensified due to a spike in usage during the COVID-19 pandemic. The day wrapped up with the presentation of the City of Bremen's experience with carsharing and the SHARE-North Project. 


On the second day, public transport operators took the wheel to discuss the integration of shared e-mobility services with the transport system. Companies mixing e-mobility services in their portfolio like HOCHBANN and SBB, as well as one of the leading MaaS operators In Europe, TIER, provided inspiring presentations and insights about a successful digital integration within a Sustainable Mobility ecosystem. The usage of data for cooperation between cities and private operators was presented by Bax & Company, which showcased the MObility DEcisions framework (MODE).


Last but not least, good practices for the physical integration of shared e-mobility services were presented by Flemish carsharing network Autodelen within the framework of the eHUBS project.  


This workshop experienced a high level of participation and engagement from the attendees. Now, the videos, as well as the presentations, are freely available online for everyone to access! 


DAY 1:  5th of May 2022 

New Mobility and Shared E-Mobility: How are cities addressing the potential and challenges?  

  • Introduction and welcome: 

  • Welcome by Hochbahn, Karen van der Linde, Hamburger Hochbahn AG 

  • Brief introduction to SOL+: Stefan Werland, Wuppertal Institute  

  • Brief introduction to MOBI-MIX, Iris Ruysch, City of Rotterdam 

  • City of Hamburg: Climate-neutrality and mobility strategy (mobility strategy, electrification, challenges with new mobility and regulations), Gesine Nitsios, Hamburg Authority for Transport and Mobility 

  • Presentation HOCHBAHN (introduction Public Transport Hamburg and MaaS Approach & alignment with City ambitions), including Q&A, Karen van der Linde, Hamburger Hochbahn AG 

Regulating new mobility (shared e-mobility): different city approaches to steer shared micro mobility services: from offer to regulation: 

  • Regulation, incl. Q&A, Rune Gjos, Director Agency for Bicycling, City of Oslo  

  • Providing parking, incl. Q&A, Natalia Ciciarello, City of Paris 

  • BiciMad and Madrid micromobility regulation, incl. 5 min Q&A, Carlos Mateo, EMT Madrid  

  • Car sharing: ShareNorth project, incl. 5 min Q&A, Rebecca Karbaumer, City of Bremen 

DAY 2: 6th of May 2022 

Integrating shared E-mobility into the transport system 

  • Presentation HOCHBAHN: E-Scooter Project (Integrating New Mobility) à Dominik Radzuweit, Hamburger Hochbahn AG 

  • Lessons learned/post-pilot conclusions  

  • eHubs Project: focusing on scalability /upscaling, Bram Seeuws Autodelen 

Shared mobility results 

  • MOBI-MIX: assessing the impact of shared mobility using the MODE framework, Albert Gragera, Bax & Company  

Physical integration: 

  • SBB: pilot to integrate in train stations, incl. 5 minutes for Q&A, Jan Vonlanthen, SBB 

  • Presentation TIER (Integration to public transport and alignment with cities objectives from the operator’s point of view), Pauline Aymonier, TIER

Presentations Day 1

EMT - Shared mobility in Madrid

City of Hamburg: Climate-Neutrality and Mobility Strategy

Parking offer for shared e-scooters

Introducing Public Transport in Hamburg

Car-sharing and the SHARE-North Project

MOBI-MIX Project Overview

Micro mobility and regulation in Oslo

SOLUTIONSplus Project Overview

Presentations Day 2

MOBI-MIX: assessing the impact of shared mobility using the MODE framework


Hochbahn: Integrating Shared E-Mobility into the transport system

Public Transport integration & MaaS: TIER´s vision

SBB Sharing Zone

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