2020: urban living lab WebinarSeries
Testing the viability of innovative solutions in a Living Lab environment can be a vital step to demonstrate the economic, social and environmental viability of business and operational models. This Summer and Autumn School will first feature key aspects of the Living Lab concept and will then take closer look at main components of urban electric mobility, the electrification of public transport and the provision of first and last mile connectivity by private sector operators. The implementation of the e-mobility pilots in participatory and sector integrating EcoZones will also be discussed.
This online programme will focus on an implementation-oriented perspective on sustainable mobility, focusing on the potential contribution of selected solutions to sustainable development, climate change and urban development, which includes four core modules:
Module 1: Holistic Framework and Tools for E-mobility (21 September ) & Impact Assessment and Data Collection for E-Mobility Demonstrations (28 September)
Module 2: Electrification of public transport, last-mile connectivity, operations and integration (5 October)
Module 2: Last-mile connectivity, local innovation and standardisation (Powertrain technologies for electric two- and three wheelers (Valeo) and Maas applications to link mobility services (Pluservice) (12 October)
Module 3: E-mobility demonstrations and business plan (19 October)
Module 3: Business models (26 October)
Module 4: Integrated urban planning, policy, regulation, funding and finance (9 November)
Module 5: Micro-mobility (2- and 3-wheeler): potentials, vehicle concepts, technologies, components and testing (16. November)
​Module 5: Integrated urban mobility planning (23. November)
Module 5: Strategic approaches to e-mobility transitions in cities (BTH) (30 November)
This programme is joint effort by SOLUTIONSplus, Urban Pathways, FUTURE RADAR, Decarbonizing Transport and the GEF Global E-Mobility Program.